Enough Trump. Gaza. Greenland, Mexico. Panama. Canada. Enough drama and politics. All the erudite, well-padded old farts (and the young ones, too) who come to this pathetic blog need a reminder of how ...
It seems FIRE is a Millennial creation, inspired by a book (“ Your Money or Your Life ” by Vicki Robin & Joe Dominguez) ...
“The only answer is, resist.” My grandfather answered the call in WW2. My buddy from highschool answered the call and died in Afghanistan for it (you where a good guy Robbie). I hope I will have the ...
We stand together, or we fall apart. Take a minute to complete the poll, below. The results will be sent by my hand to the prime minister, the oppo leader and to Donald Trump (we’re buds – he invited ...
As forecast, rates have faded again. The sixth chop by the CB. Back to 3%. The chartered bank prime falls. Variable-rate mortgages decline. Over 1.2 million families that have home loans coming up for ...
Rates will fall tomorrow, everybody says. Another quarter point. After that, it’s a black hole of doubt. Mortgages at 4% have revived the resale market somewhat, but people who worry that Canada has ...
The dollar slipped into the 68-cent US range today, and traders are girding their loins (how do you do that, anyway? Can I get some?) for volatility. Lots of it. Sentiment about the Canadian dollar is ...
The brain is a powerful organ and no matter how hard we try, it can sometimes overpower our rational mind. Behavioral Finance investor psychology is a fascinating space which acknowledges investors ...
The average Millennial is 36. Geriatric Mills are approaching 45. Apparently this gen is now worrying about getting old, and a bit freaked out since they’re no longer setting the agenda. Look at ...
Signing books in Nanaimo Sunday. Alas, no brazen hussies. He’s been a realtor in an area of expensive resort homes and condo explosion north of Toronto for, he says, 20 years. He just sent me the ...