The General Union of Libyan Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture, in cooperation with the Turkish Ministry of Trade ...
The PowerElec Expo Libya 2024 will be held in Tripoli from 9 to 11 December, the organiser says. The event will be sponsored ...
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) announced today that it had brought together forty key officials from the ...
During his visit yesterday to the Al-Andalus Tourism Investment Complex project, which is located at the start of the Hay ...
Tripoli based Libyan Prime Minister, Abd Alhamid Aldabaiba, conducted an inspection visit to the Urban Planning Authority ...
Libya’s state National Oil Corporation (NOC) announced today that it has completed the irrigation network for the first 100 ...
The Central Bank of Libya (CBL) invited yesterday applicants who had previously obtained initial approval to establish ...
Libya’s Benghazi based Tika Construction Chemicals Manufacturing company has informed Libya Herald that it has landed a ...
Libya’s state National Oil Corporation announced today that its subsidiary, Akakus Oil Operations Company, has continued to ...
‎Libya’s state National Oil Corporation (NOC) announced yesterday that it ‘‘is rapidly approaching its previous rates (of oil ...
The Benghazi Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture announced the opening of the LibyanEgyptian Industrial Trade Forum ...
The forum discussed the latest trends and challenges facing this vital sector and contribute to the development of the Libyan ...