There was no-one better than the great Barry John, whose performances at outside ... better than most was his half-back partner Sir Gareth Edwards. SIGN UP: Get the new exclusive Inside Welsh ...
Rugby has witnessed a myriad of special players in its 200 year history. This includes the likes of Jonah Lomu, Barry John, Gareth Edwards, Mike Gibson, Dan Carter, Jonny Wilkinson, Philippe ...
Gareth Edwards' distinct mindset for the sci-fi genre ... Including strong lead performances from the likes of John David Washington and Gemma Chan, and a story that is sure to keep you thinking ...
Gareth Edwards hopes ‘Jurassic World Rebirth’ will kick off a new ‘Jurassic’ trilogy. The upcoming blockbuster will mark a new era in the dinosaur franchise, and the 49-year-olf filmmaker ...
The Welsh rugby legend discusses the secrets of his success. Gareth played for Wales 53 times between 1967 and 1978, and was involved in three Grand Slams and five successive Triple Crowns.
Searching for the “creator” of the advanced AI that is controlling the robot forces, events go awry for John David Washington ... was a Q&A with director Gareth Edwards and hosted by presenter ...