L'edizione 2024 ha fatto luce sui tipi di programmi che gli spettatori guardano in tutta Europa e ha approfondito quattro ...
El principal programa competitivo cuenta con 18 películas, y el jurado estará presidido por el director alemán Christoph ...
The 2024 edition shed light on the types of shows that viewers are watching across Europe and took a deep dive into four ...
En tout, 18 films se disputeront les honneurs ; le jury sera présidé par le cinéaste allemand Christoph Hochhäusler ...
Il programma del concorso principale comprende 18 film, mentre la giuria sarà presieduta dal regista tedesco Christoph ...
East Doc Platform, CineLink Drama and Industry@Tallinn's TV Beats Co-Financing Market have been selected to present the ...
The main competition programme comprises 18 films, while the jury will be chaired by German filmmaker Christoph Hochhäusler ...
The gathering, dubbed the “mother of all entertainment content markets”, unspools between 21 and 24 October, hosting ...
The Czech gathering’s industry strand includes work-in-progress documentaries from emerging filmmakers, focusing on critical ...
A deadline of 22 November has been announced for the 2025 call for projects launched by the successful writing coaching ...
La cineasta si è distinta per il suo primo lungometraggio Vingt Dieux e il Vigo onorario è stato assegnato al palestinese ...
MedMeetings head Paolo Bertolin offered an overview of the 12 Euro-Mediterranean projects set to be showcased in the ...