The function of biological cells is determined by the interactions between proteins. Abnormal protein interactions are the cause of numerous diseases. Researchers at ETH Zurich have now developed a ...
Andrea Alimonti is one of the recipients of this year's Cloëtta Prize. He is a professor of Experimental Oncology at ETH Zurich and the Università della Svizzera italiana, as well as the director of ...
I am a researcher in the field of soft robotics working on developing bioinspired artificial muscle tissues. I believe we can make human activities more ecologically sound by harnessing the power of ...
Experience the latest developments at the interface of business and science at the ETH Industry Day @ Open-i on November 21/22 at the Zurich Convention Center. Benefit from a two-day programme packed ...
EPFL and ETH Zurich Presidents Martin Vetterli and Joël Mesot consider high tuition fees as in the English-speaking world to be the wrong approach to improving the financial situation of the two ...
Generative AI is already good at delivering teaching materials in alternative forms and making them more accessible. It also helps with programming. Vermant sees potential but also a need for ...
Since March 2023, you have the opportunity to enroll in the "Internal Application Pool for Administrative Assistant Positions." Please note that you should be available within approximately six months ...
ETH-Forschende klären die Struktur und Funktionsweise von zwei bisher unerforschten Waffen des räuberisch lebende Bakteriums Aureispira Bei den Waffen handelt es sich um einen molekularen Enterhaken, ...
Des chercheurs de l'ETH Zurich ont étudié dans les moindres détails l'arsenal inhabituel d'une bactérie marine vivant en prédateur. Ces armes pourraient peut-être un jour être utilisées en médecine.
Heute ist es möglich, im Labor aus Säugetierzellen Gewebestücke nachzubauen, um ihre Biologie zu studieren, beschädigte Körperteile zu ersetzen oder Medikamente zu testen. Wir können tierisches Gewebe ...
Oggi è possibile ricreare in laboratorio pezzi di tessuto da cellule di mammifero per studiarne la biologia, sostituire parti del corpo danneggiate o testare farmaci. Possiamo produrre tessuti animali ...
Grâce à une nouvelle méthode, les chercheurs de l'ETH Zurich mesurent dans les cellules quelles protéines interagissent avec lesquelles. Ils posent ainsi une première pierre pour le développement de ...