The apostolic administrator notes that red tape and the lack of legal recognition of the Church are major problems. A ...
Thousands of protesters stormed Mujibur Rahman's historic residence after a speech by his daughter to her supporters. The ...
While not renouncing tradition, Generation Z is making significant changes in the way they celebrate the holiday these days. From ‘reverse trips’ to invite their parents to the cities ...
Dopo il voto della Camera, il Senato esprimererà il suo giudizio solo a giugno, dopo le elezioni di metà mandato. Anche ...
苏沃洛夫被认为是俄罗斯历史上最辉煌的指挥官,他不仅留下了辉煌的军事荣耀,而且在整个欧洲留下了一条悲惨的血路。 苏沃洛夫的名字与 18 世纪末帝国对许多少数民族的屠杀有关,这些少数民族包括诺加伊齐人、克里米亚鞑靼人、巴什基里人、哈萨克人等。