Whether it's the football game, the commercials or the enticing halftime show performance, millions of Americans will stay up ...
U.S. District Judge Deborah Boardman said no court in the country has endorsed the Trump administration’s interpretation of ...
NexGenEsis Healthcare is in the business of helping your body heal itself. They are skilled in noninvasive nerve and joint ...
The Minute Maid logos that have adorned the walls of the home of the Astros are being replaced with Daikin Park signs. In ...
The memo says anyone with "corrupt or partisan intent," defied orders or weaponized the FBI should be "concerned about the ...
Sex and relationship therapist, Dr. Emily Jamea, shares tips on reigniting the passion you and your partner once had.
HOUSTON — Families across Houston ISD staged a "sick-out" protest Wednesday, keeping some students home from school in ...
With a few Super Bowl commercial spots going for a record $8 million for 30 seconds this year, the stakes have never been ...
Workers had been digging a 15-foot-deep trench on the property when it collapsed and trapped a man. Houston Fire Department officials said a man died at the scene.
For decades, scientists have wondered about what happens during the so-called lost years between when tiny hatchlings leave ...
An in-depth look at the allegations, legal battles, and the NFL drama surrounding Deshaun Watson. Stream it exclusively on KHOU 11+.
"Ethnic cleansing in Gaza is not a joke," the Democrat said on the House floor. "Especially when it emanates from the president of the United States." ...