A study led by Professor Petia Vlahovska showed that dissipation within the membrane controls the undulation dynamics of highly curved membranes.
After graduation, Ulloa plans to pursue post-doctoral positions that allow her to continue conducting interdisciplinary ...
In a perspective article published in Science, Professor Jonathan Rivnay explores next-generation bioelectronic medication.
Through her interdisciplinary work with the Delta Lab, human-computer interaction, and learning sciences communities at ...
The team developed MobilePoser, a new system that leverages sensors already embedded within consumer mobile devices to accurately track a person’s full-body pose and global translation in space in ...
The art of respectful disagreement is vanishing. Instead of respectfully working through discrepancies, differences in viewpoints are turning personal, ruining friendships and dividing families. John ...
US embassies and consulates are designed to withstand a diverse set of dire, yet plausible, threats. These secure buildings are blast-proof, bullet-proof, fire-proof, natural disaster-proof, and even ...
Yuchen Wang (MSR '19) did not know her MSR final project would still be relevant for her five years later, but as a senior software engineer at Plus, it is a project she continues referring back to.
A paper by Northwestern University researchers outlines a new framework for teaching synthetic biologists that focuses on societal problems first and how they could be addressed. Synthetic biologists ...
Personalized medicine is the future of healthcare. That is the perspective Mohamed Abazeed brings to his Northwestern Medicine radiation oncology lab, where he and a team of investigators blend ...
Lusine Baghdasaryan’s MEM course pushes engineers out of their comfort zone and gives them the foundational knowledge in accounting necessary for their future. As a child, Lusine Baghdasaryan would ...