Renowned as a fashion illustrator, Oscar-winning costume designer, social caricaturist and writer, Cecil Beaton – ‘The King of Vogue’ – was an extraordinary force in the 20th-century British and ...
The second daughter of Oliver Cromwell, and his favourite child, Elizabeth Claypole is supposed to have exercised a moderating influence on him. She married John Claypole, a leading Parliamentarian in ...
Painter and horticulturalist. After extensive studies abroad, Morris developed a distinctive, often rather primitive post-Impressionist style for portraits, landscapes and highly decorative still-life ...
Alongside the Presdient Paul Kruger, Piet Joubert was a leader of Boer resistance against the British during the war. Kruger would be elected President of the Transvaal Republic in 1883, and go on to ...
Elizabeth de St. Michel married Samuel Pepys when she was only fourteen years of age, not an uncommon practice in the seventeenth century. Their early years together were marked by ill health and lack ...
Emmet was the quintessential Irish republican hero. His Dublin insurrection on 23 July 1803 ended in failure but his fame rests on his defence in court rather than his actions.
Despite childhood illnesses and lack of formal education, Caroline Herschel defied contemporary expectations by becoming a celebrated astronomer. Her achievements include preparing an index to ...
Political leader, activist and religious and social reformer. Born in Porbandar, India, Gandhi left for London in 1888 to study law at University College. His first major job was as a legal advisor in ...
Of Jewish Italian ancestry, Baron Sterling Henry Nahum was born in Manchester. He took up documentary film-making in 1933, before establishing a photographic studio three years later in London. He was ...
As a young man, Prout tried to earn a living as an illustrator and accompanied the historical painter B. R. Haydon on a tour of Devon. He produced some good work but his drawings were not of a ...
Baron Studios (active 1954-1974), Photographers. Artist or producer associated with 1302 portraits. Count Zichy (Count Theodor Zichy) (1908-1987), Actor, photographer, film director and film producer.
Bell was a leading surgeon in Edinburgh's medical community. He was particularly well known for his lectures and teaching, and is now regarded as a pioneer of modern vascular surgery. Bell was also a ...