Whether you are a homeowner or landlord, a tenant or a member of a condominium union, you may be eligible for financial assistance to renovate your home. To benefit from personalized and free ...
You want to sell your property, buy your future apartment, acquire a land? To estimate an asset, you can request property values. Service-Public.fr explains how to do this. Demand for land values ...
Since 1 er october 2024, if you request an emergency service by telephone, you will be called by 0 800 112 112. Service-Public.fr informs you and reminds you of the emergency numbers you need to ...
You are a member of the public service of the State and you are concerned by the introduction, in your administration, of the supplementary health requirement from 1 er January 2025? Termination ...
As a seasonal worker, you may find it difficult to find a place to rent because there is no solid deposit. To remedy this situation, you can use the VISALE guarantee, a free device that guarantees ...
Doing an online administrative procedure seems a perilous exercise? Finding the right person to seek advice and solve an administrative problem seems complex to you? Whether you live in urban or ...
Yes, as a jobseeker, you can receive training with the agreement of France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi). This training can help you acquire additional skills or learn a new trade. You can take ...
Complémentaire santé obligatoire dans la fonction publique à partir du 1er janvier 2025 : le point sur les questions ...
Rénovation énergétique : vous pouvez bénéficier de conseils personnalisés pour votre projet avec les conseillers France Rénov ...
Vous voulez vendre votre bien immobilier, acheter votre futur appartement, acquérir un terrain ? Pour estimer un bien, vous pouvez effectuer une demande de valeurs foncières. Service-Public.fr ...
Publié le 16 octobre 2024 - Mise à jour le 18 octobre 2024 - Direction de l'information légale et administrative (Premier ministre) Depuis le 1 er octobre 2024, si vous sollicitez un service ...