Romania is a net exporter of automotive and vehicle parts worldwide and has established a growing reputation as a technology center. Romania is also notable for providing its residents with some of the fastest internet speeds globally. Romania is a member of several international organizations, including the European Union, NATO, and the BSEC.
Jan 29, 2025 · Romania, country of southeastern Europe. The national capital is Bucharest. Romania was occupied by Soviet troops in 1944 and became a satellite of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.) in 1948. The country was under communist rule from 1948 until 1989, when the regime of Romanian leader Nicolae Ceaușescu was overthrown. Free ...
Romania is a semi-presidential unitary state. It was created when Moldavia and Wallachia joined in 1859. It was given its independence in the Treaty of Berlin of 1878. At the end of World War II, some of its land (close by what is now known as Moldova) was occupied by the USSR.
Dec 18, 2024 · The largest of the Balkan countries, Romania has dramatic mountain scenery and a coastline on the Black Sea. It has seen numerous empires come and go from the Roman and Ottoman to the...
The new state, officially named Romania since 1866, gained independence from the Ottoman Empire in 1877. During World War I, after declaring its neutrality in 1914, Romania fought together with the Allied Powers from 1916.
România este un stat situat în sud-estul Europei Centrale, pe cursul inferior al Dunării, la nord de peninsula Balcanică și la țărmul nord-vestic al Mării Negre. [ 8 ] . România este plasată geografic și în Europa de Est, Europa de Sud-Est respectiv parțial în Europa Centrală.
Dec 13, 2023 · The principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia - for centuries under the suzerainty of the Turkish Ottoman Empire - secured their autonomy in 1856; they were de facto linked in 1859 and formally united in 1862 under the new name of Romania. The country gained recognition of its independence in 1878.